Tips For Improving Your English:
The power of flashcards 

Whether you’re aiming to expand your vocabulary, polish your grammar, or perfect your pronunciation, targeted flashcards are a flexible and fun way to simplify the learning process and achieve your English language goals. Tailored to your unique needs, these cards offer a personalised approach, enabling you to focus on specific areas of improvement. They can also be easily integrated into your daily routine, effortlessly slotting into your busy schedule to ensure consistent practice. And, with the magic of spaced repetition, each flip of a flashcard becomes a moment of growth, reinforcing your understanding and ensuring that information sticks in your memory for the long haul.

Create targeted flashcards

By identifying specific areas of English you want to improve — such as vocabulary, grammar rules, idiomatic expressions, or phrasal verbs — you can craft targeted flashcards, effectively tailoring your study sessions to your individual learning goals and needs. So, take time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and prioritise areas for improvement. For instance, if you’re finding it difficult to understand native speakers due to unfamiliar vocabulary, you may want to use flashcards for vocabulary expansion. Or, if you’re aiming to improve your written communication skills, crafting flashcards to master grammar rules and sentence structures is the way to go.  

You can also make your flashcards more effective by going beyond single-word definitions. Including example sentences or contexts where the word or phrase is used immerses you in real-life situations, deepening your understanding of language subtleties. This is particularly vital for mastering idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs. So, if you’re focusing on expanding your vocabulary, create flashcards that not only feature the word itself, but also provide its definition, pronunciation, word type, synonyms, and example sentences demonstrating its contextual usage. For example:

  • Word: “Resilient”
  • Definition: Able to recover quickly from difficulties or tough situations
  • Pronunciation: rih-ZIL-yuhnt
  • Word type: Adjective
  • Synonyms: tough, sturdy, durable
  • Example sentence: “Despite facing setbacks, she remained resilient and bounced back stronger.”

Establish a daily flashcard review routine 

Establishing a daily flashcard review routine is essential for facilitating consistent practice and reinforcing language skills. So, incorporate flashcard sessions into your daily schedule — whether during breaks, commutes, or before bedtime — to sharpen your grasp on English. Since review sessions can be easily integrated into short breaks throughout your day, like during lunch breaks or while waiting for appointments, finding time for consistent practice becomes effortlessly achievable. Additionally, if you’re working with a private tutor, consider discussing incorporating flashcard review sessions into your study plan to enhance your learning experience. Private tutors offer personalised guidance in key areas, such as, language proficiency assessment, targeted skill development, and individualised learning strategies, making them valuable allies in your journey towards English language proficiency. 

Use spaced repetition to maximise memory retention

Spaced repetition supercharges your memory, helping you remember more over time with less effort, thanks to strategic flashcard review scheduling. Instead of cramming information all at once and forgetting it shortly after, spaced repetition involves reviewing flashcards at increasing intervals over time based on how well you remember them, reinforcing weaker areas more frequently. So, to use spaced repetition, start by studying your flashcards, taking note of which ones you find easy to recall and which ones are trickier. Then, divide your flashcards into two categories: those you remember well and those you find challenging. Set up regular flashcard review sessions. For those tricky ones, plan frequent sessions — maybe daily or at least every other day. But, for the ones you’ve mastered, stretch out the reviews to once a week or even less often to solidify your understanding. As you grow more comfortable with the material, spread out your review sessions even further. Yet, if you notice certain information slipping away, boost the frequency of review for those specific flashcards. This strategic spacing minimises the risk of forgetting, keeps your mind sharp, and makes the most of your study time. 

Flashcards have the power to transform your learning journey. By making the most of flashcards, you can optimise memory retention and accelerate your path to English language mastery.

Written by Nina Hellman

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