Whack for me Daddy-O
The Irish life and culture course continued this week with traditional music. We learnt about its origins in the oral[...]
READ MOREMy Own Two Feet
To continue on the theme of body related idioms and expressions, I thought I'd talk about feet, those oddly shaped[...]
READ MOREPearly whites
With an upcoming trip to the dentist's in mind, I thought I'd take this opportunity to talk about teeth. Yes,[...]
READ MOREWhat a day!
With exams fast on the way, we've had a quiet week. Literature class regulars have been deep in the past[...]
READ MOREHere comes everybody
I've taken my title from a study of James Joyce by the English novelist Anthony Burgess (He wrote A Clockwork[...]
READ MOREAll is changed, changed utterly
A select gathering turned up on Wednesday for a close reading of WB Yeats's "Easter 1916". We put some faces[...]
READ MOREWho’s James Joyce?
Our literary week began, or the last one ended, with a trip in the wind and rain to the Joyce[...]
READ MOREIt Cost a Power of Money
It Cost a Power of MoneyA genre rather than an individual writer was the focus of this week's literature class[...]
READ MOREFrom Oscar to the Undead
The cream of Atlas gathered once more in Room C to consider Wilde's frothy comedy, The Importance of Being Earnest. [...]
READ MOREWilde Times
With only the elite in attendance our discussion of Dorian Gray was less noisy but perhaps more intellectual than last[...]