Why we love… online learning tool ‘Quizlet’

Learning and retaining vocabulary can be quite difficult for a lot of people. Also, when you get to higher levels of English, it can be more difficult to retain vocabulary that is not so common.

A proven way to memorise and review vocabulary is to use flashcards. But what are flashcards?

Flashcards are cards that contain small pieces of information to help them learn whatever the information is. For the language learner, they could contain the translation of a word, the definition, or even a sentence with a gap it could be used in. When they are created, you can test yourself, play games with them, or even test your mates.

However, the biggest disadvantage with flashcards is that you have to do a lot of cutting and writing. You might even lose them so they can be a pain to make and look after. A solution to this is a great website called Quizlet.

What is quizlet?

Quizlet Online Learning Tool

In Quizlet students have the option to create their own flashcards to test themselves. They can also use a bank of already produced flashcards.

Here is an example:


When you have revised the list, there are a variety of options to help you test yourself.

The options are:

  • Flashcards – you can virtually flip the card to see the word or definition
  • Learn – you are given the definition and you need to write the word
  • Spell – you hear the word and you have to spell it
  • Test – you are given different multiple choice and gap-fills questions
  • Match – a fun matching activity to connect the word to its definition
  • Gravity – this is a definition – word matching game. Against the clock. Can be tricky to use..


What else?

Who is it for?

It’s for everybody. We strongly recommend that everyone gives this an opportunity.

Is there an app?

Yes there is and it’s quite useful to have on your phone, wherever you are.

Do I need to pay? 

No you don’t. However, there are extra options that you can pay for. We don’t recommend that you pay for them though.

Do I need to login?

We recommend that you do. This way, you can create your own flashcards, as well as save other people’s.

What are other features? 

You can invite your friends to Quizlet to create a class and study together. You can search from over 70 million already made study sets and save them to your profile.

Smartphone App.png                               Image taken from ELT Pics.

Here is an example that we created for our IELTS class. It focuses on personality adjectives.


(For more IELTS preparation Tips check out our IELTS preparation blog series!)

Give it a go!

To get started, why not try these introductory tasks. Get creating! Get exploring!

Task 1 – Sign up to quizlet. 

Task 2 – Create a set of flashcards for the new words and expressions that you are learning from this week’s course book unit. Share it with others on one of your social media pages.

Task 3 – Search for other sets of flashcards to study from other units in the same coursebook. Share them with classmates through other social media sites.

Task 4 – share them with their classmates as well as our social media websites.

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