Over the coming weeks we’ll be running a series of blogs about things to do in Dublin, taking a peek at the lesser-known delights, those places that don’t quite make it into the guide books or onto school itineraries.

There’ll be contributions from some of Atlas’s greatest student writers – Shakespeare better watch out – these guys are doing things to the language he could never have dreamed of!

On Thursday we’ll have Rodolfo’s top boozer and all round culture spot.

But first up is one of my most loved Dublin institutions (which may actually be in some guide books but so what, it’s great).

Begun during the boom years with overpriced organic veg and a few cooked food stalls the Temple Bar Market, on Saturdays til about 5pm, has become an essential part of my admittedly very tame (I’m old and don’t get out much) week.  The prices have come down, the variety increased and they’ve got healthy eats of all kinds, and a few not so healthy ones too – but they taste good.

They’ve even got covers now in case it rains.

And anyone interested in a good second-hand read, can pop round the corner to the nearby book market.  All you could want from a weekend?