Face-to-face interactive Portuguese classes in person starting from 15th April 2025.

2 hours per week of high-quality programmes delivered by experienced, dedicated, and fully qualified Atlas teachers!

Portuguese Course

22510 weeks / 2 hours per week
  • Levels: Beginner (A1) to Intermediate (B1)

  • Number of hours per week: 2 hours per week

  • Timetable: Beginner classes are on Tuesdays and  higher classes are on Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8.30pm

  • Minimum Age: 18

  • Term Start date: 15th April 2025 (beginner classes), 17th April 2025 (higher-level classes)

  • Terms & Conditions: MFL 2024

Features of Portuguese Course

Students during their class in Atlas Malta

During our ten week course, some of the things you will learn to do are:

1. Greetings and general introductions like “Oi, tudo bem?”, “Meu nome é…”, “Me
chamo…”, “Sou Irlandês”;
2. Learn how to communicate in class with key questions and phrases: “Desculpa, não
entendi”, “Pode repetir, por favor?”, “Como se diz isso em Português?”
3. Recognise basic Portuguese sounds “oi, ce, ci, lho, nha, ça, que, qui, rre, eu”
4. Learn how to introduce yourself as well as giving some basic personal information
such as “nome, email, telefone, profissão, nacionalidade, etc”;
5. Know how and when to use informal personal pronouns “tu/você”, “nós/a gente”;
6. Differentiate the verbs ser and estar (both are the verb to be) “estou cansada/sou
feliz, estou triste/sou casado”;
7. Use numbers in different situations: “Hoje é cinco de Julho”, “Eu tenho vinte e um
anos”, etc;
8. Use key words to both ask and answer questions: “Quem?”, “Onde?”, “Quando?”,
“Como?”, “Por que?”, etc;
9. Describe people and places: “Maria é muito charmosa; Pedro é bastante alto; A
Espanha fica entre Portugal e França”
10. Use possessive pronouns accurately: “Meu carro”, “minha casa”, “o apartamento
dela”, “o livro deles”.

1. Talk about your or any other city, landmarks, sightseeings and general directions,
such as “siga em frente”, “vire à direita”, “passe o sinal”, “atravesse a ponte”, etc;
2. Express feelings, desires, preferences and doubts. “Queria…”, “Prefiro/Preferiria…”,
“Gostaria de…”, etc.
3. Ask for information when travelling. “Por favor, onde fica…?”, “Com licença, como
posso…?”, etc.
4. Learn how to use some regular and irregular verbs of the third conjugation (-ir), “ir”,
“preferir”, “abrir”, etc.
5. Confirm, suggest or complain about something. “Correto, isto é o que quero”, “Nós
poderíamos fazer…”, “Eu gostaria de mudar de quarto. É que…”, etc.
6. Use Present Continuous. “Estou fazendo…”, “Ele está comendo…”, etc.
7. Describe and identify things. “Esta sala é bem clara…”, “Aquela árvore é muito
alta…”, etc.
8. Compare objects, places and people. “Ele é mais alto que ela”, “A sala é maior que
o quarto”, etc.
9. Localization vocabulary. “Atrás de…”, “em cima do…”, “na frente da…”, “embaixo
do…”, etc.
10. Engage in conversations about routine and daily activities. “…de manhã”, “à tarde…”,
“de vez em quando…”, “às vezes…”

1. Describe people and things; express likes and dislikes; talk about health
2. Learn “have to” sentences; Use the absolute superlative (adjectives), e.g.:
Lindíssimo, fraquíssimo, paupérrimo, etc.
3. Learn to use the indirect personal pronouns “lhe”/”lhes”. Eu lhe mostro como fazer.
4. Use the plural in its many forms. Dente – Dentes; Coração – Corações; Jornal –
Jornais; etc.
5. Express opinions; To confirm, to contradict and to define.
6. Learn the Imperfect Past; Eu trabalhava, você corria, ela gostava, etc.
7. Make sentences with both Perfect and Imperfect Past Tenses and with Past Perfect
and Past Imperfect Continuous;
8. Learn the ordinal numbers;
9. To offer help and to give advice;
10. Learn the Futuro do Pretérito tense. Eu gostaria, você comeria, ele faria, etc.

1. Have engaging discussions about family life; define relatives; wish luck, happiness,
joy, etc.
2. Differentiate “levar” from “trazer”;
3. Use irregular verbs in different tenses, such as trazer, saber and dizer.
4. Learn the Mais-que-perfeito composto verb tense.
5. Engage on discussions about ecology and tourism.
6. Talk about likes, preferences, routines, experiences, certainties and uncertainties,
hopes, worries, etc.
7. Learn the Perfeito composto do indicativo verb tense.
8. Use adverbs and indefinite pronouns, such as alguém, algum, nada, nenhum, etc.
9. Use double negative sentences.
10. Learn to compare things, people, situations, places, etc.

1. To define accurately the position of something; “Acima daquela linha…”, “Além do
2. Regular and irregular forms of the Subjunctive verb tense; “Quero que você veja…”,
“Onde quer que você more…”;
3. Desires, doubts and feelings verbs + prep. “que”; “Quer dizer que…”, “Isso
significa que…”;
4. Demonstrative pronouns + adverbs of place; “Este homem aqui.”, “Esse homem aí.”,
“Aquele homem lá.”;
5. Vocabulary about nature events and how that affects us; “Esfriar, nevar, esquentar,
chover, etc.”;
6. Express conveniences and preferences; stimulate actions; “Eu queria ir à piscina,
mas não vai dar.”, “Não suporto chuva!”;
7. Use personal expressions + prep. “que”; “O que é que a gente vai fazer?”
8. Vocabulary about money, economy and financial management; “Aplicação, taxas,
mercado, prejuízo, etc…”;
9. To express intentions, concessions, oppositions and conditions; “Você conhece
alguém que faça isso?”, “Sabe de algo que me ajude?”;
10. Conjunctions to be used with the Subjunctive verb tense; “Embora muito pobres…”,
“Desde que você me ajude…”.

1. Vocabulary for commerce and business; “direitos”, “assistência”, “deveres”;
2. Promises, excuses and hypothesis; “Ele prometeu fazer…”, “Desculpe
por…”, “Perdão por…”;
3. Subjunctive Future; “Depois que você fizer isso…”, “Quando ela for para
4. Vocabulary about traffic, behaviour in traffic, means of transportation; “guarda,
cruzamento, faixa de pedestres, etc.”;
5. To give advice, to argue, to explain; “Assim não dá”, “Não adianta discutir”, “É
um absurdo”, etc.;
6. Verb “haver” (There is/There are) and “ter” (to have), impersonal form; “Há
muitas pessoas na sala”, “Tem muitas pessoas na sala”;
7. General vocabulary about leisure activities; “Diversão, músicas, baladas,
esportes, etc.”
8. How to express shock and surprise; “Nossa!, Uau!, Minha nossa!”;
9. To concede, to refuse and to interrupt; “É, você tem razão.”, “O que foi
mesmo que ele disse?”, etc;
10.To express possible and impossible conditions; “Pode ser que…”, “É
possível que…”, “É impossível que…”

Interested in joining our Portuguese Classes? Simply complete the booking form below to reserve your space!

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Course

  • If you already have some knowledge of the language please complete the respective Online Placement Test and include the result. French - German - Italian - Portuguese - Spanish

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