Face-to-face interactive Irish language courses in person starting from 15th April 2025.

2 hours per week of high-quality programmes delivered by experienced, dedicated, and fully qualified Atlas teachers!

Master the Irish Language in the Heart of Dublin!

Are you interested in learning Irish language in Dublin? Look no further than Atlas Language School!

Learn Irish with ease and enjoyment through our courses, crafted for learners of all levels. Our communicative approach, taught by experienced teachers, ensures that you start speaking Irish right from your first lesson. Benefit from personalized attention and ample speaking practice in our small group classes, which accommodate a maximum of 15 students.

Why Learn Irish?

The Irish language (Gaeilge) is a key part of Ireland’s rich cultural heritage. By learning Irish, you’ll:

✔ Connect with Ireland’s history and traditions.
✔ Enhance your career opportunities in Ireland.
✔ Gain a deeper understanding of Irish literature, music, and media.
✔ Join a community of Irish language enthusiasts.

Irish Course

22510 weeks / 2 hours per week
  • Levels: Beginner (A1), other levels on request

  • Number of hours per week: 2 hours per week

  • Timetable: Beginner classes are on Tuesdays and  higher classes are on Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8.30pm

  • Minimum Age: 18

  • Term Start date: 15th April 2025 (beginner classes), 17th April 2025 (higher-level classes)

  • Terms & Conditions: MFL 2024

Features of Our Irish Language Courses

During our ten week course, some of the things you will learn to do are:

  1. Greet others, introduce yourself & others, take leave and give thanks. “Dia dhuit, Dia is Muire dhuit, Is mise, Cé seo/sin?, Go raibh maith agat/agaibh, Slán leat”.  Introduce Irish spelling system: key sounds- dual sounds for consonants based on vowel group (d, s, t) , some basic vowel clusters (ai, ui, ia, eo)
  2. Informal & Formal greetings and introductions, asking someone’s name, asking how someone is doing, asking where someone is from “Cad is ainm duit?, Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú?, Cad as duit? Introduce pronouns, prepositional pronouns and their emphatic forms duit, duitse, duit fhéin ; tú, tusa, tú fhéin. Introduce concept of dialectal variation in common phrases eg. How are you? :Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú?/Conas tánn tú?/Caidé mar atá tú?
  3. Nice to see you again, talk about where something is located and where you live: Go deas tú/sibh a fheiceáil arís, Cá bhfuil….?, thuas, thíos, ar chlé ar dheis, sa lár, ansin, Cá bhfuil tú i do chónaí? Introduce the concept of séimhiú and its effect on pronunciation, spelling and meaning. e.g. Sin Pól > Is as Éirinn do Phól. Introduce the preposition “in” and it’s variations: i, in, sa, san, sna. Introduce possessive adjectives: mo, do, a.
  4. Asking and answering ‘yes/no’ questions vs. Asking and answering open questions: An bhfuil tú i do chónaí in Éirinn? Vs. Cá bhfuil tú i do chónaí? Asking precisely which area/region/county someone lives in: Cén áit/régiún/contae?  The simple numbers 1 to 10      Introduce the concept of urú and its effect on both pronunciation, spelling and meaning. e.g. Baile Átha Cliath > Tá mé i mo chónaí i mBaile Átha Cliath.
  5. The simple numbers 0 to 20, saying your phone number: mo uimhir fóin ná…, talk about your job: Cén post atá agat?                               Consolidate simple pronouns with prepositional pronouns: do, le, ag
  6. Talking about the weather, giving the date, simple numbers 20 – 100, giving your address, asking how much something costs, talking about nationality, the languages you speak: “Cén chaoi a bhfuil an aimsir?, Cén seoladh atá agat, Cé mhéad atá ar…..? Cén náisiúntacht atá ort? Cé na teangacha atá agat? Introduce the construction for “have”: Tá ……… agam. Introduce the free verb concept: Labhraítear Spáinnis san Airgintín
  7. Descriptive adjectives, asking the temperature, days of the week, months of the year, seasons: “fuar/te, fliuch/tirim, gaofar/socair”, Cén teocht atá ann?
  8. Clothes, shopping, expressing opinions/like/dislike “Tá sé go hálainn, Sin praghas maith, An maith leat….?”                                            The past tense of the verb to be “Bhí”, introduce the copular structure “Is…”
  9. Talking about what someone is wearing, the time, daily routine “Céard atá air/uirthi?, Cén t-am atá sé?, An saol laethúil.                      Introduce present tense verbs and the verb groups.
  10. Pronouns and prepositional pronouns and reflexive pronouns in plural form muid, sibh, siad, againn, agaibh, acu etc.

We also aim to extend stronger students’ learning by learning to do the following additional things;

  1. Use some common irregular verbs in context.
  2. Deepen knowledge of the Irish spelling and pronunciation system through gaining understanding of vowel groupings, multiplicity of pronunciations for consonants

Start Your Irish Language Journey Today! Simply complete the booking form below to reserve your space!

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  • If you already have some knowledge of the language please complete the respective Online Placement Test and include the result. French - German - Italian - Portuguese - Spanish

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