Face-to-face interactive German classes in person starting from 15th April 2025.
2 hours per week of high-quality programmes delivered by experienced, dedicated, and fully qualified Atlas teachers!

Learn German Language in Dublin

Looking to learn German in Dublin? Atlas Language School has got you covered.

Our experienced and qualified teachers deliver high-quality German courses that cater to levels, from beginners to intermediate. With a focus on conversation, our courses are designed to help you improve your German language skills quickly and effectively. Whether you want to learn German for personal or professional reasons, Atlas Language School is a perfect choice. Contact us today to learn more!

German Course

22510 weeks / 2 hours per week
  • Levels: Beginner (A1) to Intermediate (B1)

  • Number of hours per week: 2 hours per week

  • Timetable: Beginner classes are on Tuesdays and  higher classes are on Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8.30pm

  • Minimum Age: 18

  • Term Start date: 15th April 2025 (beginner classes), 17th April 2025 (higher-level classes)

  • Terms & Conditions: MFL 2024

Features of German Course

Image of a person holding a German flag with a speech bubble saying “Do you speak German?” in German.

During our ten week course, some of the things you will learn to do are:

1. Introduce yourself, meet and greet people e.g., Hallo! Guten Tag! Mein Name ist …
and describe your family e.g., Meine Familie wohnt in…
2. Say the alphabet, spell the name of a person or object e.g., Buchstabiere bitte …..
3. Count and understand numbers accurately, ask and exchange telephone numbers
e.g., Meine Handynummer ist…
4. Use ‘W’ questions to ask about a person or a topic e.g. Was ist das? and discuss
your hobbies e.g., Mein Hobby ist Fußballspielen.
5. Understand and use basic conjugation of verbs e.g., ich – komme, du – kommst…
6. Have simple conversations in a restaurant such as booking a table, ordering
food/drinks, making payments etc.
7. Identify common items in the classroom e.g., die Tafel, das Buch… and also make
use of singular/plural nouns.
8. Talk about your city, area, give and ask for directions e.g., Ich komme aus Berlin.
Berlin liegt in…
9. Describe your likes/dislikes and your preferences for a particular house/apartment
and use Accusative form e.g., Ich wohne in der Stadt….
10. Ask and tell the time (official/unofficial), make appointments and use relevant
prepositions e.g., Es ist 7 Uhr… and discuss different means of transport and their
advantages/disadvantages e.g., Der Bus fährt langsam …

1. Discuss your profession, abilities and likes/dislikes using modal verbs e.g., Ich bin
Pilot. Ich kann Flugzeug fliegen.
2. Talk about landmarks in Berlin using relevant verbs and Dative prepositions e.g., Das
Rathaus liegt dem Hauptbahnhof gegenüber….
3. Describe your holidays using the perfect tense e.g., Ich habe Berlin besucht…
4. Write and respond to letters/emails/postcards. e.g., Liebe abc, danke für deine
5. Use a broader range of vocabulary related to food, supermarkets, buying and selling
food items e.g., Was kostet das Hähnchen?…
6. Ask and answer questions about clothing and preferences e.g., Trägst du Jeans?
7. Engage in conversations about shopping e.g., Wo finde ich eine Jacke?
8. Talk about the weather e.g., Ist es sonnig?…
9. Talk about health and body, common health issues and solutions e.g., Mein Kopf tut
10. Talk about feelings using personal pronouns and write/respond to love letters. e.g.,
Ich bin verliebt….

1. Combine sentences using conjunctions and clauses to give your opinions and state
reasons e.g., Ich denke, dass Deutsch interessant ist.
2. Build sentences using degrees of comparison e.g., Zug ist schneller als Bus.
3. Describe your family members, family photographs etc. e.g., Rechts vorne ist meine
4. Send and respond to invitations, create cards for different events e.g., Am Samstag
hat meine Tochter ihre 5. Geburtstag…
5. Discuss your likes/dislikes about travelling and engage in conversations related to
travelling e.g., Wann fährt der zug nach Hamburg ab?
6. Discuss hobbies/interests and react positively/negatively. e.g., Am liebsten spiele ich
7. Talk about different types of media and their pros/cons e.g., Das Radio brauche ich
8. Send and respond to text messages e.g., Um 8 am Kino?
9. Use indirect W-questions and conditional sentences. e.g., Ich will wissen, ob…
10. Describe an action in the past using simple perfect tense e.g., Ich habe Jeans

1. Have engaging discussions about your preferences of living in a city/county using
conjunctions e.g., Ich finde, dass das Leben in der Stadt…
2. Post an ad and search for relevant apartments/houses etc. e.g., Ich suche eine
Wohnung mit Garage.
3. Discuss events making use of past tense and perfect tense e.g., Ich habe geplant.
4. Talk about Berlin making use of relevant prepositions e.g., Das Rathaus ist neben
dem Bahnhof.
5. Discuss your career, search for job ads and build your own resume e.g., Wir suchen
6. Express your wishes using formal, polite structures e.g., Koennten Sie bitte lauter
7. Talk about different festivals and traditions using appropriate verbs and prepositions
e.g., Weihnachten ist in Deutschland sehr wichtig.
8. Summarise a story using appropriate time prepositions e.g., Zuerst – dann – danach
9. Restructure active sentences into passive (present and past) and write your own
recipes e.g., Milch wird gegeben
10. Have conversations and make plans for an activity together e.g., Gehen wir am

1. Use expressions and proverbs to talk about time and time management etc. e.g.,
Morgen morgen nicht nur heute, sagen alle…
2. Use appropriate time-related prepositions and connectors e.g., Waehrend ich esse,
sehe ich auch Fern
3. Talk about everyday problems and give solutions e.g., Wie komme ich nach
4. Talk about hypothetical situations in the future e.g., Wenn ich viel Geld…
5. Talk about work and stress factors e.g., Sie hat Stress, weil sie viel arbeitet.
6. Give reasons and be able to justify your statements e.g., Ich treffe meine Freundin,
deshalb komme ich…
7. Talk about typical gender stereotypes and express your opinions e.g., Ich bin nicht
der Meinung…
8. Talk about industrialisation and migration
9. Talk about the school system in Germany e.g., Am ersten Schultag bekommen die
10. Construct sentences/short paragraphs to speak about hypothetical situations e.g.,
Wenn ich viel Geld haette…

1. Comment on a situation, recognise problems and offer solutions e.g., Mir ist einmal
etwas Peinliches passiert.
2. Combine sentences using double conjunctions e.g., Ich trinke weder Tee noch
3. Express your opinions about the weather, environment and global warming e.g.,
Wegen des Klimawandels gibt es eine Katastrophe
4. Express your wishes using the future tense e.g., Ich werde meine Familie am
Wochenende besuchen.
5. Use Partizip 1 to show emphasis in a sentence e.g., In einer zusammenwachsender
6. Have a discussion about different behaviours,symbols in different countries e.g.,
Wenn ich mit dem Finger schnippse, bedeutet das…
7. Be able to read and understand short literary texts and answer related questions
8. Discuss family and generation gaps and describe past events using advanced
grammar tenses e.g., Nachdem wir zu Hause angekommen waren…
9. Talk about migration, problems that arise and possible ways to tackle them using
appropriate passive tense and the verb lassen e.g., Die meisten Deutschen
wanderten wegen der Arbeitslosigkeit aus.
10. Talk about Europe and politics using relevant w-questions and combining sentences
using appropriate conjunctions and verb infinitives e.g., In der Eurozone brauchen sie
ihr Geld nicht mehr zu wechseln.

Interested in joining our German Classes? Simply complete the booking form below to reserve your space!

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Course

  • If you already have some knowledge of the language please complete the respective Online Placement Test and include the result. French - German - Italian - Portuguese - Spanish

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