Face-to-face interactive French classes in person starting from 15th April 2025.
2 hours per week of high-quality programmes delivered by experienced, dedicated, and fully qualified Atlas teachers!
Learn French Language in Dublin
Interested in learning French in Dublin? Atlas Language School offers a fun and effective approach to language learning.
Our experienced and qualified teachers provide interactive and engaging classes that cater to your individual learning needs. Whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced learner, our courses will help you develop your French language skills and gain confidence in speaking, reading and writing in French.
With small class sizes, you’ll receive personalized attention from our teachers, who are passionate about teaching and dedicated to helping you achieve your language learning goals. Immerse yourself in the language and culture of France by joining our French language course. Contact us today to book your place!
French Course
Reserve your place today!
Levels: Beginner (A1) to Intermediate (B1)
Number of hours per week: 2 hours per week
Timetable: Beginner classes are on Tuesdays and higher classes are on Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Minimum Age: 18
Term Start date: 15th April 2025 (beginner classes), 17th April 2025 (higher-level classes)
Terms & Conditions: MFL 2024
Features of French Course
Highly Qualified Teachers
Our highly qualified teachers, who keep our French courses in Dublin running have extensive experience in teaching the French language in various teaching environments in Ireland and the rest of the world.
Face-to-face classes
Classes in person with our experienced and qualified Atlas teachers at our school in Portobello House, Dublin 2.
Collaborative Learning & Task Based Approach
With our communicative approach to language learning, our French course in Dublin give all learners, from beginner to advanced, ample opportunities to use new language in meaningful and enjoyable ways. Besides that, our French language course in Dublin will give you a solid foundation in French grammar & vocabulary, while also preparing you for real-life situations.
During our ten week course, some of the things you will learn to do are:
1. Meet and greet people e.g., Bonjour, ça va? Comment allez-vous? …
2. Say the alphabet, spell the name of a person or city e.g., Comment ça s’écrit?
3. Count and take note of numbers accurately e.g., Mon numéro c’est le… .
4. Identify common items in the classroom e.g., La table, la chaise, le bureau…
5. Talk about yourself and others e.g., Je m’appelle…, j’ai …. ans, je suis …
6. Describe your likes/dislikes e.g., J’aime le rugby, je déteste la politique…
7. Talk about your city, area, facilities e.g., Dans mon quartier, il y a…
8. Give and take directions e.g., Prenez la troisième à gauche…
9. Discuss your pastimes and hobbies e.g., Je joue du violon, je fais du tennis…
10. Identify the different members of the family e.g., Le frère de mon père s’appelle…
1. Tell the time using the 12 and 24 hour systems e.g. il est 21 heures.
2. Use suitable time markers for days, months etc e.g. aujourd’hui, février, avant…
3. Describe your daily routine using reflexive verbs e.g. je me lève, je me lave…
4. How to ask things about items in a shop e.g. Vous avez le même en gris?
5. Buy and sell things e.g. ça coûte 35 euros. Avez-vous…
6. Ask and answer questions about clothing and common objects e.g. Qu’est-ce que
c’est? A quoi ça sert?
7. Give your opinion on clothing e.g. je pense que c’est joli.
8. Talk about the weather e.g. Quel temps fait-il? Il fait beau…
9. Engage a conversation in a restaurant talking about food/ordering e.g. je prendrais
du poisson. Qu’est-ce que tu prends?
10. Express an action in the future with ‘near future’ e.g. Je vais manger, je vais revenir…
1. Use Passé Composé to talk about the past e.g., Hier, je suis allé au cinéma.
2. Give your opinion e.g., Je trouve que la grammaire française est facile.
3. Describe difficulties when learning a new language e.g., J’ai du mal à lire le chinois.
4. Talk about your daily routine e.g., Je me réveille à 7h, je me lève à 7h15…
5. Talk about preferences e.g., Je préfère la table en bois bleue.
6. Compare different houses e.g., Ton studio est aussi cher que mon appartement.
7. Take and give advice around the topic of health e.g., Que me conseillez-vous?
8. Describe pain and symptoms e.g., J’ai mal à la tête
9. Use imperative and conditional e.g., Prenez un médicament. Vous devriez voir un
10. Describe an action in the past (imparfait) and in the present using the correct time
markers e.g., De nos jours, il y a plus de voitures…
1. Tell anecdotes and ask questions about the past distinguishing between imparfait
and passé composé e.g., Il était sur le bateau, quand…
2. Use present continuous to describe an ongoing action e.g., Je suis en train d’écrire.
3. Make plans for the future e.g., Demain, j’irai au parc.
4. Talk about the weather and the environment e.g., Il fait très beau.
5. Build complex sentences using the relative clauses introduced by ‘que’ and ‘qui’ and
‘où’ e.g., C’est un acteur que je connais.
6. Express different degrees of certainty e.g., Il faudra probablement partir à 18 heures
7. Ask for a favour or permission using modals e.g., Est-ce que je peux faire ça?
8. Use conditionals to convey politeness e.g., Pourriez-vous m’aider?
9. Formulate different questions in different contexts e.g., Que se passe-t-il?
10. Name and locate countries using the proper gender and prepositions e.g., Je viens
du Brésil, mais j’habite en Irlande.
1. Talk more extensively about past experiences e.g., Le vendredi, à 3 heures, je j’allais
au bureau quand soudain j’ai vu mon frère qui marchait.
2. Describe motivations and justify choices e.g., J’ai le droit, parce que je m’ennuie.
3. Talk about the details of a trip e.g., L’avion pour Paris partira à 18 heures….
4. Talk about hypothetical situations e.g., Si on m’offrait un million d’euros alors…
5. Use prepositions of place e.g., Je vais en Lorraine, dans un parc d’attractions.
6. Describe someone’s character and feelings e.g., Il est timide, mais très sympa…
7. Talk about hopes and ambitions e.g., J’espère que je deviendrai connu dans 10 ans.
8. Give and take directions e.g., Tu entres sur scène, tu regardes le public…
9. Express opinions and defend ideas using subjunctive in negative sentences e.g., Je
ne crois pas que vous ayez le droit de me dire ça!
10. Discuss “upcycling” e.g., Je voudrais que ces bouteilles deviennent une chaise.
1. Communicate using short phrases such as in a postcard, email, or text e.g., Tt va
bien, internet marchait pas, j’t’attends en bas”.
2. Express obligation, possibility and prohibition using impersonal constructions e.g., On
ne doit pas aller là. Il est interdit de…
3. Talk about movies e.g., Le personnage principal s’appelle John…
4. Agree with and justify someone’s opinion e.g., Je pense que tu as raison, en effet…
5. Report what someone has said e.g., Il dit que tu dois aller au bureau à 11h demain…
6. Describe what people hope or believe e.g., Une grande majorité des employés
espèrent que la grève s’arrêtera très vite.
7. Report facts and events using the vocabulary of the media and suffixes -tion, -age,
-ment e.g., Confirmation de la victoire du candidat…
8. Report other people’s words e.g., Tu as entendu ce qu’il a dit? Il a parlé de la fin de
la tempête…
9. Express feelings and ideas with a wider range of vocabulary e.g., Je pense que tu
ferais mieux de ne pas parler trop fort.
10. Use invented words in different language registers e.g., Tu parles le franglais?